Igala land has long been enmeshed in a seemingly endless quest for an Organisation that will amongst several others Point a way forward for the race, Set Igala land in a specific direction, direct the actions and workings of Igala people, Articulate a definitive stance on where and how Igala land should be in a decade, century and a millennium, Marshal strategies that will manifestly translate the peoples’ hopes and aspirations in to tangible realities, Lay a rock-solid foundation for the much-awaited Igala Renaissance, Advocate and inspire confidence in the viability and sustainability of the Igala Project, Encourage and foster the ideals of Unity, Peace and Love as worthy basis for individual development and continued corporate existence, Evolve sustainable political and intellectual structures that will train and equip the generation-next to take over from the fading generation.
The quest for this all-encompassing organisation that will answer what is now known as the IGALA QUESTION has no doubt been tortuous, painstaking and expensive as it has taken Igala land through several years of political experimentation, economic docility, cultural dislocation, social inertia, and absolute impotence and irrelevance in the scheme of things nationally.
All these have contributed, in no small measure, to the present socio-economic and political realities of widespread poverty, disease and colossal illiteracy garnished with low Child Education that are rudely stalking in the face today.
Stating the obvious in unmistakable terms, Igala land today has become a perfect picture of underdevelopment with neglect, poverty, disease, thuggery and illiteracy as totemic icons of fluctuating existentialism. Blessed with one of the biggest coal reserves on the planet (Okaba, Ogboyaga) and with over 12 natural and solid minerals such as iron ore (Egeneji), Marble (Itobe, Ankpa), Crude oil (Ibaji/Alade), Kaolin, hydo-power capacities (Ofu/Itobe) tucked under its pregnant belly, the region still shamefacedly flaunts itself as the habitation of some of Africa’s poorest people and probably the region with the worst case of neglect.
The need to arrest the present rising wave of violence, thuggery, crime and prostitution in the land further accentuates the need for a vision that will discourage the ascendance of the twin evils of prostitution and armed robbery through pragmatic means. Campaigning against and eliminating disdainful acts such as the glorification of armed robbery, prostitution and the mad rush to cities by our Daughters and Sisters through the instrumentality of a vision that will activate affirmative and decisive actions aimed at providing amenities and schemes that will keep them gainfully employed and busy at home remains a viable panacea.
Igala women still disproportionately suffer the burden of poverty, reeling heavily under the pangs of hunger with majority of them living on less than one dollar per day! As primary agents of child welfare, they are victims of widespread and persistent discrimination in all areas of life, and put their lives at risk every time they become pregnant. They are still increasingly susceptible to HIV/AIDS and other killer diseases. As unschooled adults, they have less to say socially and politically and to be able to support themselves.
Also, Igala women’s rights and access to land, credit and education are still limited not only due to legal discrimination, but because more subtle barriers such as their workload, mobility and low bargaining position in the household and community prevent them from taking advantage of their legal rights. These problems affect their children and households without a male head are at special risk of impoverishment with no capacity to immunise their children or know how to help them survive. The imperatives of an organisation that will pragmatically curtail this state of affairs cannot be overstated
Igala land today, yearns earnestly for prompt actions aimed at directing the energies of our youths to worthy and scholarly ventures, continuity and youth participation in leadership, credible and responsive leadership, better deals for her sons and daughters in the Nigerian project, and full integration in to the global village through the provision of current technological inventions, limitless access to super information highway and world-class systems of mobile communication.
For an ethnic group that wears the toga of poverty and neglect like vestigial crowns, a clearly defined and people-oriented, multi-stakeholder development Organisation that is evidently meant to raise the people’s standard of living above the poverty line, and go beyond that to create favourable conditions for social stability, greater productivity and economic prosperity in the nooks and crannies of the land can be said to be a right step towards reclaiming a people’s lost glory and redeeming years of squandered opportunities.
Hence the need for an Organisation replete with men and women with a common belief in turning around the Igala situation through the fusion of ideas with passion, and by acting with integrity, serving with love and working for communal peace and progress has become imperative. An Organisation that will, through the instrumentality of intellect, focal commitment to shared values, and unwavering abhorrence of individual success in the midst of communal failure, raise the intellectual tone of the Igala society, cultivate the public mind, purify the Igala taste while supplying true principles to popular enthusiasms and fixed aims to popular aspirations as well as giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideals of Igala renaissance.
An Organisation with a capacity for catalysing sustainable People-Development as well as an everlasting resource for generations unborn whilst functioning as an ideas-house that will facilitate and shape the exercise of political and socio-economic power as well as refine the intercourse of private life in Igala land remains an absolute necessity in Igala land’s destined march to greatness.
It is in the light of the above concerns that PROJECT IGALA navigated into existence on the 6th of October 2005.
Purpose and Goals
To create opportunities for group interactions leading to the overall development of Igala land through educational, infrastructural and cultural interventions as well as etch Igala land on the pedestal of global relevance
- To give tangibility and strength to the Igala voice in all matters that pertain to Igalas and Igala land.
- To increase Igala people’s economic power by improving their access to technologies appropriate to their skills, incomes and
- To assist community based initiatives that will help Igala people to improve their standard of living.
- To catalyse sustainable People-Development and facilitate and shape the exercise of political and socio-economic power as well as refine the intercourse of private life in Igala land
- To promote developmental projects that will ensure the equal access of women as well as men to resources, services and
- To raise the intellectual tone of the Igala society, cultivate the public mind, purify the Igala taste while supplying true principles to popular enthusiasms and fixed aims to popular aspirations as well as giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideals of Igala renaissance
- To carry out practical project work across all aspects of small-scale production, project identification, planning and funding in Igala
- To raise the people’s standard of living above the poverty line, and go beyond that to create favourable conditions for social stability, greater productivity and economic prosperity in the nooks and crannies of the land
- To offer advice and assistance to Igala communities, NGO’s and governments and also raise public awareness on issues that affect rural development, in order to create a favourable climate for change
- To put Igala land on the front burner of national prominence and global relevance.
- To print and publish in the newspapers and any other periodicals, books or leaflets what the Organisation may think desirable for the promotion of its objects;