Ahead of the 12th anniversary celebration of its existence, the pan Igala think-tank, Project IGALA, has announced the launching of its new website.
In a press statement signed today by the group’s Moderator/Chair, Atâyi Babs, the new-look site is part of ongoing efforts at modifying the organisation’s strategic engagements in Igala land as well as positioning it to serve as a knowledge management and sharing hub for Igala and allied matters.
The website (www.igalaproject.org), according to Atâyi, “will serve as a veritable link between the organisation and Igala people, seeking to portray all our past and future engagements whilst serving as a online knowledge management resource, incorporating the publication of factual and authoritative reports on happenings in Igala land and Kogi state, Igala-centric scholarly materials, and think-pieces.”
“This new platform effectively positions us to fulfil one of our cardinal objectives which is to raise the intellectual tone of the Igala society, cultivate the public mind, purify the Igala taste while supplying true principles to popular enthusiasms and fixed aims to popular aspirations as well as giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideals of Igala renaissance,” Atâyi added.
The new Project IGALA site, which will be available as downloadable application in both apple and google play stores, provides limitless opportunities for bright Igala minds to publish their thoughts and ideas on the development of Igala land/Kogi through weekly/fortnightly columns, live discussions, and opinionated articles.
On the site as columnists presently are Atejunomi Otidi, Anthony Agbali, and Ojochogu Opaluwah. Other columnists chosen from the organisation’s active contributors on its mailing list are Inaju Inaju, Achile Umameh, Joshua Ocheja and Boniface Opaluwa.
“It is our hope that this platform will catalyse sustainable People-Development, facilitate and shape the exercise of political and socio-economic power as well as refine the intercourse of private life in Igala land,” Musa Jacob, Project IGALA’s Scribe said.
The site further provides ample space for group interactions and live news updates through its integration of video, audio, imaging and social media channels capable of amplifying and strengthening the validity of the Igala voice in the comity of ethnic nationalities that make up Nigeria.
Thanks to you all who is putting this together for us as an igala to get our hands ? together as one nation I want to say I love you so much God bless you and God bless igala lands
I earnestly look forward to reading, seeing and experiencing projected development in Igala land as part of overall projected national development discussed in academic circles. Long live igala land, long long its people!
thanks guys. let’s keep our acts to gather and keep the igala nation on the move